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Fuel Update Announcement

We would like to make everyone aware of some enhancements we are making to our existing fuel economy reporting and detail a change made to the fuel bonus schedule.

Fuel Economy

Knight measures fuel economy using a Dispatch MPG. We calculate dispatch miles per gallon (DMPG) as total completed dispatch miles divided by total gallons of fuel purchased over a rolling 4-week period. These 4-week periods will always begin on a Sunday and end on a Saturday (midnight Phoenix time). For example, the most current measurement period began on Sunday, September 1st, and ended on Saturday, September 28th. We update this figure once per week, typically the following Monday.

As it stands today, we count any gallons purchased during that period, regardless of whether a driver’s current load is empty or not. A potential problem can occur here if a driver is under dispatch and needs to purchase fuel to continue hauling the load, but the load will not empty out until after the Saturday end date. We have been working to address this issue and believe we are finally ready to implement our solution.

Effective immediately, the fuel purchased for each load will only be counted when that load is emptied out. This should greatly enhance the stability of our Dispatch MPG metric and make it easier for our drivers to track their fuel economy week to week.

*Trainers - In the past, dispatch miles and fuel purchases were split evenly between the trainer and the trainee so that both individuals received a Dispatch MPG calculation. Under the new methodology, all the miles and all the fuel for the truck will now be attributed to the trainer only. Trainer and trainee will no longer split the data, which means the trainee will not have a Dispatch MPG until they go solo.

Bonus Schedule change

As you may have noticed, the fuel bonus measurement periods did not always align with the end of the month. We understand that this has caused a lot of confusion and frustration for our drivers. This was the result of some limitations we had with the timing of the fuel data collection, however, we have now overcome that limitation and have implemented a fix.

Effective immediately, the fuel bonus measurement period will always end on the last Saturday of the month. The measurement period will still be comprised of a 4-week total as outlined earlier in this statement. It is important to note that November is the only month impacted by this change through the remainder of the year.

This information has been updated on the fuel portion of the Driver Hub and can always be located here.

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Feb 15

Actually it is my understanding that they do not pay ZIP code to ZIP code they pick a ZIP code for the city that you are in and that's what they pay to not the ZIP code that your customer is in example Phoenix to El Paso they pay from downtown Phoenix to downtown El Paso. From our yard in Phoenix you lose about 6 mi going to downtown Phoenix downtown El Paso is exit 20 our yard is at exit 35 so you lose 15 mi going to our yard in El Paso. They do not pay to the ZIP code that the yard is in


Nov 27, 2024

All of this is bs. Why is it that you as a company don't start appreciating your drivers for what we do, for the efforts we make and sometimes for the extra s..t we do and never get recognized.


Oct 07, 2024

In other words, more fake goals that are impossible to hit, and more excuses for stealing the money of your drivers. At this point why not just come out and admit your company is nothing more than a joke. Enjoy that bug sandwich with your self driving trucks.


Oct 07, 2024

The thing here is that trucking is a very unpredictable, there is things we can’t control most of the times, I’ve stayed out for entire months and sometimes don’t hit production due to miles imagine I hate that, sometimes we drive mountains also you guys only count from zip codes which always ends up paying 30-50 miles less and affects fuel, your requirements for bonus are on a perfection standard imposible to hit most of the time, at this point just cancel it and find a different way to compensate people putting in that extra hard work and doing things right


Oct 06, 2024

What’s the point of posting a new fuel guide when you keep making it impossible to reach that goal.14285 miles driven ,mpg 6.591. So if you don’t want to pay it don’t advertise bonus because you going to find away to not pay it. Smart drive score went from 30 to 25 to 15 because drivers were making those goals.

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