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Happy Driver Appreciation Week! Video, Terminal Schedules, & Monday's Raffle Winner

It's Driver Appreciation Week!

Happy Driver Appreciation Week! While we appreciate you every day of the year, this week is an extra-incredible opportunity for us to reflect on and express our gratitude for you, your families, and the many sacrifices that you make to keep our country moving.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to all of our amazing driving associates! What a privilege it is to work alongside you in such an extraordinary and vital industry.

Check out your terminal's schedule!

Are you stopping by a terminal at some point this week? Make sure to check out our Driver Appreciation Week landing page to see each terminal's schedule:

And Monday's virtual raffle winner is...

Congratulations to Monday's virtual raffle winner— Aschyr Conley! We will reach out to you personally to send you your prize.

Have you entered our virtual raffle? Each day of Driver Appreciation Week, we will be raffling off a cool prize to one lucky winner! Be sure to enter for a chance to win!

If you had a previous issue uploading a video for 10 entries, the technical issue has been fixed. You should now have no problem uploading a video file! If you run into any other technical issues with your raffle entry, please reach out via email to so that we can assist you.

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